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#Business ID: 38716

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Paper Bag Manufacturing Business in Thanjavur, TN For Sale

Business Location: Ayyampet, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India

Asking Price: INR 50,000,000 Revenue: INR 12,000,000 Cash Flow: INR 2,000,000

[Furniture / Fixtures and Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

We have been providing quality product and incomparable services since it has stepped in the market. Over the years, we have understood that it is important to look after nature. Hence we have now stepped ahead of plastic bags and have begun with the manufacturing of paper bags and eco friendly bags. The company has now switched over to the production of paper bags and eco friendly bags so that the waste generated due to plastic bags can be minimized from our end.

We support retails, companies and industries who are striving to GO GREEN.'

We join hands with such endeavors who believe in keeping environment clean and respecting mother earth. Our paper bags are of the best quality. We make use of virgin & recycled paper and we provide paper bags that are durable.

Our paper bags are sturdy and you can reuse them. Our bags look creative and beautiful.
When the bags are manufactured, they are designed as per the need of the customers. Even today, we do not compromise on quality. Hence we monitor the look and durability of bags when the production is in process.

We understand that ours is a Good name and we shall continue to provide quality and service that is beyond customer’s expectation and satisfaction.

Please contact us for more details.

Property Details


4500 Sq.ft

Years Established:


Property Type:


Other Business Details

Business Location:

Ayyampet, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu


There are no Competitors

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

9 to 7.30pm


Business Relocatable

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

Will moving to Abroad

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