Business Summary
Skan Candy is a core/flagship product of Digicandy Technologies with a vision to make its users more productive in their day-to-day activities. The app is power-packed with features that any person might need no matter what his occupation, gender and nationality.
Mad Dates is a product of Digicandy Technologies which can be described as a “no-borders” dating and networking app .The dating scenario has changed drastically ever since the pandemic. Users preferences and demands have changed worldwide and thus there was a need for coming up with an app that caters to the changing scenario and make dating and networking virtually exciting. Mad Dates was ideated keeping the millennial users in mind.
CuteSelfi is a powerful photo, video and audio editor app boosted with the goodness of AR and 3D effects. Cuteselfi is the ultimate way to transform pictures and videos to enable users reach their peak of creativity.
Please contact us for more details.
Property Details
For Business Investors
Do you have any tax relief available in this funding round?
Other Business Details
Business Location:
Main Road location on Ajoynagar
Expansion Potential:
It has lot of expansion potentials as the projects core revolve around AI.
Business Operation Details
Trading Hours:
Mon - Sat - 10 am to 7 pm
Support & Training:
Entire transitional support shall be provided.
Miscellaneous Details
Reason For Selling:
Owners would like to focus on a different business