Business Summary
Even though we were not the first in the business we pride ourselves on being different from the other rummy sites out there, our aim is to be India’s premier online card gaming site and our site reflects that vision – whether its in terms of graphics, UI, look & feel or the number of features we offer.
It is a functioning and running website and as can be seen from one glance at it that it is feature filled and packed to make the rummy experience better than other websites that offer the same game.
We have acquired more than 1700 total registrations amongst which there are 775+ verified users.
We have been acquiring users at a steady rate of 15-30 registrations a day when our marketing is on in full swing (google ads, newspaper inserts etc)
Currently the company has been completely funded by its Directors alone.
We have an office in Bandra, Mumbai with 7 employees.
Our website is handled by a team of programmers in Ahmedabad.
Our flash game is developed and maintained by a team in Bangalore.
Our social media & SEO is handled by another team in Bangalore as well.
We have already done a lot of marketing in promoting it.
We have already done various promotions such as
• Tying up with over 50 cyber cafes around Mumbai to get new registrations
• Releasing ads in the various publications
• Releasing ads through iCAFE - cybercafé advertising solution(over 70,000 cybercafé terminals in all metro cities of India)
• We have put up over 5000 rickshaw posters around Mumbai and over 2000 rickshaw in different cities of Gujarat.
• We have done over 1,00,000 newspaper inserts all over Mumbai
Our SEO (search engine optimization) has been on for the past 1 year and hence we are on the first page for 20 different keywords in google search.
We have a strong social media presence with over 10,000 likes on facebook and over 4,000 followers on twitter. We have a very active facebook page with tonnes of content already made for it.
Property Details
Other Business Details
Business Location:
Pan India presence, Online Rummy so can be managed from anywhere
Expansion Potential:
The website is completely ready in terms of the 13 & 21 card game however, currently under development are the following:
• Languages integration – Both Gujrati& Hindi, the entire website and game will be available in both languages
• Multiplayer tournaments – This is under development as well with many different tournaments under way
• Mobile rummy – this is a unique offering. It is already 40% completed and under development already. With this offering we will be one of the few if not only rummy website to have a mobile rummy version to offer 13 & 21 card rummy in cash on the mobile platform. Virtual goods, tournaments and languages are all slated to be on the mobile platform as well.
Assuming that the new team can get to 20,000 registrations and 4000 active users (10% of registrations) within a year from taking over the business:
Number of daily active users: 4000
Money wagered daily: Rs.4,00,000
(Assuming as per above Rs. 100 per user)
Shuffle2play daily fees:Rs. 40, 000
(Assuming as per above 10%)
Monthly earnings: Rs. 12,00,000 (1.2 million Rupees per month)
Business Operation Details
Miscellaneous Details