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#Business ID: 13346

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Reputed Engineering Company Working Only In Government Departmants With Good Credientials

Business Location: Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam, India

Asking Price: INR 5m & above Revenue: INR 1m to 5m Cash Flow: INR 1m to 5m

[Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

MKK CONSULTING is an ISO 9001:2008 organization, Guwahati based Project Consultancy, Architectural & Engineering services provider organization formed in April 2010

MKK CONSULTING offers consultancy in the field of Industrial Consulting, Architecture, Landscaping, Urban Development, Urban Planning, City planning, Townships, Transportation Planning. The company is registered with Registrar of Companies, Shillong

The founder members & principal consultants of the company are graduate engineers, architects from NIT’s ,IIT’s & IIM’s having vast experience in the field of Project Planning, Engineering & Architectural services
MKK CONSULTING is specialized in comprehensive consultancy service for projects of varied scale & dimensions and has successfully been offering consultancy service for several Architectural, Urban planning, Infrastructural, Industrial, Leisure & Entertainment, Landscaping and Area Development projects for last 4 years.

In-house human resource of MKK CONSULTING is comprised of Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Architects, Urban planners, Site engineers, Draftsman & 3D modeling experts. Infrastructure facilities include well equipped office with suitably networked computer terminals, Licensed Software, printers & plotter etc.
MKK CONSULTING is always supported by an experienced & efficient team of external consultants from the fields of Industrial Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning, Infrastructure Planning, Project Management & Financial Services, Structural engineering, Electrical services, Sanitary & Plumbing services, HVAC services etc. who work in tandem with the core design team of MKK CONSULTING.

Serial Number Name of the Project Client Name Status Of the Project Project Cost(Approx.)
1 Design Consultancy of Solid Waste Management System Tezpur Municipal Board Completed 6.8 Crores
2 Value Chain Assessment for Bamboo products by conducting a Survey in North Eastern Region In collaboration with STADD Development Pvt Ltd. for NMBA, TIFAC, Dept. Of science & Technology, Gov. of India Completed -
3 Safe lifting of machines from old foundation & placement of machineries in New Machine Foundation CBTC, Governemnt of India Completed -
4 Consultancy services for Existing Entrance plaza of Maniram Dewan Trade Center to be converted in to a 400+ SEATER CONFERENCE HALL ( Interior & Structural Design ) at Bethkuchi Guwahati In Collaboration with AAKRITI for AIIDC, Government of Assam On Going 2.8 Crores
5 Consultancy services for Interior & Strucural Design for 300 seater conference hall of Maniram Dewan Trade Center at Bethkuchi Guwahati In Collaboration with AAKRITI for AIIDC, Government of Assam On Going 1.8 Crores
6 Consultancy services for Design of Musical Fountain in the water body of Maniram Dewan Trade Center at Bethkuchi Guwahati In Collaboration with AAKRITI for AIIDC, Government of Assam On Going 50 Lakhs
7 Surveying, Geo-technical Investigation, Drawing, Design & Estimation of G+3 Storied Commercial Building at Pound Road Dhubri Dhubri Municipal Board, Assam Completed 1.5 Crores
8 Consultancy of G+5 Commercial Complex at GTB Road , Dhubri for Comprehensive Architectural Consultancy including structural, sanitary plumbing, sewerage, drainage; electrical services. Starting from Concept drawing, sanction drawing, working drawing, design report, structural analysis report including Geo Technical Investigation of the site but excluding project management Dhubri Municipal Board,Assam On Going 10 crores
9 Quality Control/ Technical Management Contract of G+5 Commercial Complex at GTB Road , Dhubri Dhubri Municipal Board,Assam Not Started 10 crores
10 Consultancy of Cold Storage facility at Dhubri, Assam for providing Comprehensive Planning of the site, Design of the structure, Design of cold storage plant including power requirement water etc.., Technical consultancy , Project DPR preparation along with feasibility report, Assisting in Financial appraisal from banks, sourcing the subsidy form Government, total project Monitoring and control(PMC), and a gamut of services as enumerated in the mutually agreeable Memorandum of Understanding Dhubri Wholesale Consumers Co-operative Stores Ltd.- A Government Registered and Regulated Body On Going 15 Crores
11 Project Proposal & Site Survey Report for Bus Terminus under NLCPR Scheme at Dhubri, Assam Dhubri Municipal Board, Assam Completed 22 Crores
12 Project Proposal & Site Survey Report for Market cum Marriage hall under NLCPR Scheme at Dhubri, Assam Dhubri Municipal Board, Assam Completed 15 Crores
13 Consultancy of “Multistoried Commercial/Residential Complex at Hatipilkhana,Tezpur” for Comprehensive Architectural Consultancy including structural, sanitary plumbing, sewerage, drainage; electrical services. Starting from Concept drawing, sanction drawing, working drawing, design report, structural analysis report including site survey & Geo Technical Investigation (If required) of the site but excluding project management Tezpur Municipal Board, Assam Ongoing 15 crores
14 Consultancy of “Night shelter at Kekorapool ,Tezpur” for Comprehensive Architectural Consultancy including structural, sanitary plumbing, sewerage, drainage; electrical services. Starting from Concept drawing, sanction drawing, working drawing, design report, structural analysis report including site survey & Geo Technical Investigation (If required) of the site but excluding project management Tezpur Municipal Board, Assam Ongoing 3 crores
15 Consultancy of “Multistoried Commercial Trade center at Chowk Bazaar, Tezpur” for Comprehensive Architectural Consultancy including structural, sanitary plumbing, sewerage, drainage; electrical services. Starting from Concept drawing, sanction drawing, working drawing, design report, structural analysis report including site survey & Geo Technical Investigation (If required) of the site but excluding project management Tezpur Municipal Board, Assam Ongoing 10 crores
16 Master Plan for Proposed Export Village at Guwahati AIIDC, Government of Assam Completed 100 Crores
17 Consultancy of “Design of Drainage System at Bihpuria Town , Assam” for Comprehensive Survey of Road Network , Study of present drainage system , Study of Rainfall data including design of drainage system and preparing Project Report of drainage structure and estimates according to APWD schedule but excluding project management Bihpuria Municipal Board, Assam Ongoing 5 Crores
18 Master Plan of Bihpuria Town Bihpuria Municipal Board, Assam Ongoing -----
19 Consultancy of “ Fish Market Complex” at Kekorapool Tezpur, Assam Tezpur Municiapl Board / Fisharies Department Completed 3.45 Crores
20 Design Consultancy of Fish market complex in all Districts and Sub- Divisions of Assam Directorate of Fisheries Assam, Government of Assam Ongoing --------
21 Pre Feasibility Report of Export oriented Herbal Medicinal Industrial Park at Mandakata Guwahati Assam Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Limited, Government of Assam(ASIDC) Completed 14 Crores
22 Design of Solid Waste Management System in Sibsagar District Assam Sibsagar Municiapl Board Preliminary Works Started 25 Crores
23 Design of Slaughter House in Sibsagar District Assam Sibsagar Municipal Board Preliminary Works Started 5 Crores
24 Detailed Project Report of a Bio Waste Incineration Plant in Kokrajhar District of Assam Kokrajhar Municipal Board Completed 27 Lakhs
25 Consultancy Services for “Designing
the Porch and Interior Lobby with provision of reception Counter, Aquarium and
dynamic display board” Institute Of Advanced Study In Science And Technology, Govt of India. Completed 33 Lakhs
26 “Topographical Survey, Physical profile of plot of land, boundary co-ordinate and submission of detailed drawing showing contour etc.
of IASST campus”. Institute Of Advanced Study In Science And Technology, Govt of India. Completed ------

Property Details


1000 Sq ft

Years Established:


Property Type:


Other Business Details

Business Location:

Heart of Guwahati City

Premise Details:



Other Consultants

Expansion Potential:

Can work in entire north East India and expand to South East India

Business Operation Details


10 Nos

Trading Hours:

9:30 am to 6:30 pm

Support & Training:

All knowledge transfer


Business Relocatable

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

Relocation of the Promoter

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