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#Business ID: 11385

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Security Agency

Business Location: Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Asking Price: INR 1,000,000 Revenue: INR under 100k Cash Flow: INR 0 to 100k

Business Summary

A licensed/set/running security agency is looking for a buyer. We need someone to take over the business with the man power and contracts at hand in exchange of a simple down payment of Rs 10 Lakhs only. It is not a big business, but has excellent goodwill for industrial security in not only Nasik, but other regions of Maharashtra as well.

Property Details

Other Business Details

Business Location:

We run out of Nasik Pune Road.

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

With our children well settled, we want to lead a retired life and hence, want someone who can take over the business as it is.

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